While I have been enjoying writing this blog there are three disclaimers I need to make.
1, I am not a professional writer, I am very much one of your, simply writing my experiences while traveling to share with the rest of the world. There will be writing errors.
2. “The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or the Namibian Government.”
3. I may receive a commission from any links you click on, products your purchase, or ads you see. I will not be a sponsor for any any company I do not support nor will I advertise for a product I do not believe in.
All my photos are captured on a Nikon D3200, iPhone 8 plus, or Sony A7iii

Exploring Nick
Welcome to my page of travel memoirs
These are post that have been transitioned from hand written journal logs recorded while traveling.
There is a beauty of taking record of your thoughts, feelings and environment while immersed in a new world.
Some of these posts have been written while hitchhiking a ride in the back of a chicken truck, in the frigid -20 degree weather of the mountains, or simply at the local coffee house.
Join me as I experience the world, and record true raw events that I encounter.